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Monday, June 21, 2010

Scape & Arugula Pesto

I could not stop thinking about the idea of scape & arugula pesto all weekend, so I immediately got to work once I arrived home from the farm today. If you love pesto and garlic, this is the sauce for you.

It can be quite garlicky, so adjust the number of scapes accordingly to your liking. Being pesto is versatile, you can increase this recipe and freeze it for days on end. I like to use ice cube trays to freeze individual portions and thaw as needed. Some of my favorite pesto accompaniments include pasta with bell peppers, sandwiches and poached eggs with fresh mozzarella served on crumpets.

Prepares 2 cups

3-4 scapes, rough chop

1 cup toasted walnuts (400 °F, 7 minutes)

1 bunch arugula

¼ cup water

½ - 2/3 cup olive oil

½ cup parmesan cheese, grated

Salt and pepper to taste

In a food processor, add the walnuts and blend. Add the scapes and process once more. Continue with the arugula and process after each handful until all is mixed. Stream in the olive oil a little at a time. Depending on your preference, you may decide to skip the water using only olive oil. However, I find it more refreshing to use water after adding the oil to my pesto, so if you would like to try it with water, proceed to stream it in while the processor is on. Then, add the parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ranelle, this blog is perfect. Now I can forever learn more about cooking from you even when we are not together.
