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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Acorn Curry

Before Merima left MN, we had decided we were going to tackle our list of 'things to cook'. It was a compiled list from last summer of breads, entrees, and ingredients Merima wanted me to cook or use in cooking. Unfortunately, she left the list back home, so we brainstormed and remembered one of the items was curry. Thus I came up with this recipe 'on the fly' [kitchen lingo for not planned or in the spur of the moment] while preparing naan dough [another item on the list]. It was simple, but tasty. Merima even stated that it was one of the best Indian dishes she ever had and that it tasted very authentic. If you know Merima, this is quite the compliment. So you best try this one if you are a lover of Indian food. Enjoy my foodies....
an aerial view of naan and curry [sorry for the lack of a close-up]

1 acorn squash
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 shallot, mined
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 chili pepper, dried
3 cardamom pods
2 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 tablespoon garam marsala
9 ounces tomatoes with juice (from personal canning collection)
2 cup beet greens, chopped
1 cup green beans
1 tablespoon cumin
2 pinches of sugar
salt and pepper to taste

Bake the squash in the oven at 375 for one hour, or until cooked, in a baking dish with water.
In the mean time, add the oil to a wok and heat. Once hot, add mustard seeds, cardamom, and chili pepper. Cover with a lid until the mustard seeds stop popping, be careful here not to get one in the face :). Then add shallot and garlic. Once translucent, add the green beans, tomatoes with sauce, garam marsala, cumin and sugar. Keep on a simmer and add the squash once cooked thoroughly.
Note: you will have to skin and cube the squash before adding to the wok.

Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 10-15 minutes until everything is cooked through.

Serve with naan and eat up!

If you try this recipe, comment on the preparation or taste. I am curious to know other's thoughts.

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